Friday, September 11, 2009

How to buy salvia

What to look for when buying Salvia

When I'm buying Salvia Divinorum the thing I use to look for, is the package, I don't know how many varieties of packaging different brands have. The one I like comes inside a tiny medication amber glass bottle.

The first time I saw it I almost return it, if I don't see the description in the bag, maybe I'd have done it. I know it's not usual but I liked the way it was packaged, because I've tried some others, and they were just inside a plastic bag, turned into dust because of rough handling.

Glass is much better because the extract keeps it's flavor and scent, in addition to this it's protected from UV rays and it withstands much better a bad shipping handling.

All this tells me that it's been made thinking on us, the customers.